Delivering Innovation

Be authentic with your feelings. Know what you really want and don’t look away from it. Know how you really feel and why you are. Don’t reframe your feelings by reinterpreting the situation. By doing so, you will not face the real problem. You will miss something that you must discover. You must know when to perceive and when to control your mental operations.

There are times when it is okay to change your feelings by reframing your mind, but there are also times when you should not try to change them but rather experience them. Your feelings are meant to be used and not thrown away. Let your actions flow with your feelings, they are there for a purpose. Always ride on your positive emotions whenever you can.

When you’re unhappy, it’s because you don’t get what you want. Allow yourself to be authentic about what you want and feel the desire. The force of desire draws what you want to you. Desire directs your will to want it to happen. Follow your desire, it takes you to your place in the universe. Focus on what you want or need and you will get it. Focus on God and God will be in your life.

Sometimes negative emotions are meant for you to make use of and transmute them into their equivalent opposite through action. We make the mistake of thinking that we are supposed to have certain feelings and not others. Each emotion has its own purpose and use. Some are emotions meant to be altered, while others are meant to be felt.

Negative emotion or unhappiness is a cause for action. It’s only when you’re unhappy or disappointed that you feel compelled to change what you’re doing to get a different result that’s likely to be the one you want. To mentally move in a different direction than where you are supposed to go. Focus on emotion and desire, and you will increase energy and will to action.

Certain negative emotions are not negative in the truest sense when they are intended to prompt you to take action that is constructive. Anger and anxiety are one-state emotions that give you energy to act. Anger is felt when there is a need to handle something that is trying to hurt you. Anger can be turned into well-being through assertiveness. Anxiety is felt when there is a need to protect something from being taken away. Anxiety can be turned into confidence by taking courage.

Negative emotion can be turned into positive emotion through the right thought and action. The only problem is when those emotions are handled immaturely, resulting in a regression from anger to depression or anxiety to avoidance. Depression and avoidance are emotional states that rob you of energy. Those are the true negative emotions that we need to acknowledge and be with in order to know what we really want and allow ourselves to act authentically toward it.

Sometimes you have to imagine negative scenarios in order to play differently when the actual situation occurs. You have the power to manifest what you imagined or you can alter it in real time in the situation. Changing what was intended to happen is only possible through foreknowledge or foresight, which is imagination or mental projection of future scenarios.

Imagination is a place to express your anger, indignation, resentment and unhappiness instead of letting it express itself unexpectedly when the situation arises. In this way, your actions can become more intentional when faced with the real scenario because you already know what to expect from yourself. Remember, all action is mental. You can alter your emotions by first replaying them in your mind. They can be altered to some degree in your mind in that way before you physically act on it.

In Mind-Body Healing, a physical symptom is a message from your body that alerts you that there is a problem that you need to be aware of. By ignoring it, you get sick. In the case of negative emotions, it is a message from your heart that lets you know that there is a life problem that you must recognize and deal with. Ignoring your emotions and trying to reframe them would result in temporary relief, but the issue will come back to haunt you over and over again until you wake up and start being authentic.

Unrecognized emotional trauma causes energetic contractions in the body. The feelings generated during the traumas persist and the contractions lead to blockages that eventually create diseases. Trauma freezes our body’s energy patterns in time. What should be fluid becomes immobilized. It’s like we can’t move on. We are stuck in a repetition compulsion until the trauma is released. You will still be stuck in the exact pattern of the experience. The way you act and move bears the imprint of the experience.

Complaining or expressing yourself emotionally helps you feel better by allowing you to express your frustrations. There is a healing power of expressing emotions. When people can express the emotions and facts of a traumatic event, they have fewer health problems. In fact, they seem to have fewer problems overall. If you can write or talk about what’s bothering you, you may be able to organize or structure your concerns in a more meaningful way. Then you will no longer be so conflicted and upset by them and this should help you get over them. Crying is a way for the soul to heal itself.

Feeling your feelings dramatically improves your mental, emotional, and physical health. Feeling your authentic feelings quickly and efficiently improves the flow of energy in your body and energy field. This is because when you feel emotions, moving energy naturally vibrates through you, clearing out any stagnant energy. When emotions move through your body, they break up the heavy, dense energy that has built up from not feeling your feelings and emotions for all these years. Feelings your authentic feelings guarantee you a lighter, happier and healthier sensation.

Your emotions are not meant to be neglected. They are meant to be engaged and experienced. You experience feeling and expressing that feeling. Talking about your feelings is reporting about life. Feeling your feelings is living life. You need to allow yourself to be more authentic instead of putting so much energy into avoiding. Stop avoiding feeling your feelings, either by thinking too much or talking too much. Just feel your feelings.

There is a tyranny of the positive attitude imposed by society. We have to pretend life is okay when it’s not. We have to appear optimistic when we are not. Insult is added to injury when we have to be happy about something that doesn’t really make us happy. “Smile when you are upset”, “Don’t worry, be happy”, they all tell us. That’s so ridiculous, why can’t we just be authentic and allow ourselves to express exactly how we really feel about something?

The pressure of having to pretend we’re okay when we’re not. All that denying, acting and pretending requires energy, a lot of energy because it is pretending. Simulation prevents us from seeing things as they really are, which presents its own problems. When an inauthentic, unnatural, and immensely positive person takes a blow in life that he can’t deal with in the usual way, at one point he can’t help but confess that he hates life or everything. Then, after some time has passed, they would ignore what they said earlier as a “moment of weakness” and, in doing so, ignore how they really felt at that moment.

When we are faced with a difficulty, big or small, a positive attitude may be nothing more than denial of a real problem. At the very least, it can sometimes prevent us from seeing what is right in front of our eyes. Self-deception, however creative, can eventually come back to haunt you. If reality bursts someone’s bubble of denial (as it often does), that person could find themselves more devastated than if they had faced the terrible truth about themselves in the first place.

People keep rejecting the idea of ​​being authentic with negative feelings, until life throws them a mess that unwarranted optimism or denial won’t fix. Then when they reach out and acknowledge how they really feel about it, it’s actually a moment of strength. Being false to ourselves makes us dissatisfied.

Don’t feel bad about feeling bad. You have the right to feel bad when you feel bad. Don’t let yourself or others tell you it’s not a big deal when it really is a big deal for you. Your feelings are yours and they are meant for you to acknowledge and be with you. Be authentic with them, be authentic with yourself.

Do you realize that every time you choose to express how you really feel and be authentic with your emotions, you don’t feel worse but actually feel better? And now you start to think positive things with more freedom and energy than if you had tried to do it in the beginning without even giving yourself time to be with your negative thoughts and emotions? It’s about being authentic. Being authentic sets you free. It’s like your interior that wants to tell you something. When you don’t listen, it keeps bugging you. But when you listen to it and act on it, it feels heard and fulfills its purpose. Be willing to listen and be with yourself.

When we can get over negativity very quickly or skip over it altogether, it’s okay to do so. But when we feel we can’t, then we shouldn’t. Negativity should not be overlooked, denied, ignored, or neglected. Nor is it meant to be overwhelmed and masked with megadoses of positivity. It is meant to be experienced and engaged in its own right and then transmuted into the positive as it happens naturally without effort. Strive is when there is no drive to do it but you try. Acting effortlessly is acting with the internal energy, emotion, and motivation that builds up within you to do something, be it mentally or physically.

Get involved and experience your emotions. Allow them to be present while they develop their thought processes. Don’t hide them or rephrase them. Once you allow your emotions to express themselves in the way you think, then you will have the freedom to think about what comes next. Don’t skip the negative, allow yourself to experience the negative. Stay with him for a while, he’s meant to be there. Then you can authentically move from the negative to the positive. This is the natural way of doing things.

How we feel in the process of getting what we want is just as important as getting it. Even when we get what we want but don’t have the right feelings while getting it, we wouldn’t be truly happy. When we give up an internal state in exchange for an external result, we will not be satisfied. Not being true to ourselves makes us dissatisfied. As conscious beings, the only thing we can truly have is our internal state. Because that’s what we are.

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