Delivering Innovation

I grew up in Saskatchewan, but I have to admit that winter is not my favorite season. I always look forward to spring and this is why:

  1. Nature wakes up: leaving my patio door open allows me to hear birdsong and feel the warm breeze. The ice that trapped the river has melted, the trees are sprouting and thoughts go to plant gardens and crops. It is a time of new beginnings.

  2. Change of wardrobe – How wonderful to be able to go out without boots, scarves, hats and jackets. These are replaced with flip flops and individual layers of lightweight fabrics and sunscreen.

  3. Move outdoor activities – We can take long walks or picnics, enjoy watching the kids ride their bikes, and take pride in the work we do to beautify our yards. Golf courses, parks and swimming pools open. Even our pets enjoy chasing a ball or just soaking up the heat of the day.

  4. Mobility is easier: we don’t need to shovel or worry about winter accidents or slipping on icy patches. Plans can easily be made without having to think about how a snowstorm might interfere.

  5. Change of schedules – Families think about summer vacations. Farmer’s Markets open and evenings can be spent outdoors watching baseball, drive-ins or just lounging after a family barbecue. Many look forward to professional sporting events like rodeos or track and field.

Yes, I love spring!

This year we are practicing physical distancing due to the pandemic, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy the season. Open the windows, go for a walk, spend time in your backyard. Spring has not been cancelled.

I find it interesting that so often in the past I have heard people say, “I wish I had more time to enjoy life.” Well, this wish has come true! Enjoy this time that you have been given!

It’s spring, time for new beginnings and beautiful warm days!

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