Delivering Innovation

If you’re a lesbian and you’ve just come out, you’ll find that dating is a whole new experience that you may be used to with men. One of the differences is in reading the signs that a woman is interested in you. This is important because, unlike heterosexual dating, you or the other woman will be responsible for initiating the date. No more waiting for the guy to take the lead! Like everything in life, this has its good things and its bad things. For one thing, you don’t have to sweat waiting to see if he asks you out. On the other hand, you will experience all the anxiety and fear of rejection that men have traditionally had to endure.

Now back to the topic of this article. You may think you know everything there is to know about female attraction, since you are a woman. Well, maybe, but in our society you have only been conditioned to interact with men on this level, not women. So determining if a woman is interested in you can be more difficult than you think. For one thing, men tend to be more open. On the other hand, if you are meeting a woman in a social context who is straight (in other words, NOT at a gay bar or online dating site), you may not know if she is interested in you as a friend. heterosexual or as a lesbian. interest. Given that 98% of the population is straight, guess what the odds are? Still, it happens and you have to be able to figure it out! Here are some signs:

  • Frequency of Contact: After your initial meeting, has this woman initiated contact with you? If you have seen her more than once, does she call you often to talk? Has he asked to see you again? In general, if a woman is interested in you, she will want to contact you and see you as much as possible!
  • Mood: When you see this woman, what is her mood like? Do you smile a lot or even get dizzy? Is he always happier to see you? Does he give you a big hug? Conversely, if you can’t meet her, does she seem too disappointed? Measure these mood reactions against those of friends you have had in the past. In other words, try to determine if your reactions seem more extreme than typical.
  • Alone or in a crowd? Does this woman prefer to see you with other friends or alone? A woman who is interested in you romantically will usually want to see you alone, rather than invite you to a party or a “girls’ night out.”
  • Listen carefully to what she says. Does he tell you that he likes you or that he really enjoys spending time with you? Does he express that time passes so quickly when he is with you? If your friend doesn’t want your time together to end and regrets saying goodbye, that’s a sign! Offer to go with you when you have alternate plans, like “Oh, I have to do some shopping too. I’ll go with you.” What you are hearing is behavior that is out of the norm.
  • Jealousy. Although this is a negative emotion, it is also a sign that a woman is attracted to you. Does he seem to get upset when you have other obligations or want to spend time with another friend? Do you feel unappreciated by your other obligations? it’s important to note here that she may be jealous of your time away from her, rather than the actual person or obligation you’re tending to.

One last word. A woman who is attracted to you may never have experienced these feelings before. She may be confused and afraid of these feelings. You may even be involved in a heterosexual or married relationship. These feelings often occur as a relationship progresses from acquaintance to “best friend.” With most women, the feelings of attraction end at “best friend,” but lesbians will continue to bond beyond that point in romantic love.

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