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Boston Tunnel is one of the main candidates for a conspiracy theory attack; many reasons for this indeed. Some say that September 11 happened for a combination of reasons; tighten control of human beings in the United States; get rid of asbestos liability in the twin towers; have a war to sustain the military industrial complex. So many conspiracy theories out there really; some are completely absurd. Others might work with an exaggerated imagination. Boston Tunnel has all of these possible reasons for being a target.

Boston’s first tunnel is leaking, and next winter could be the end of it. It costs billions and it doesn’t work. The Bin Laden family has assets in Boston. It would make the liberals in Boston and their friends in San Francisco reconsider national security. It could secure another Republican victory. Relieves the city of responsibility in the event of a future tunnel collapse. An international terrorist event could help the Army meet its recruiting goals and re-unite our people against our enemies. He keeps the war on terrorism, etc., etc.

Everyone knows that with all citizens watching another attack on the United States it will be difficult and international terrorists will need help from within. The Boston Tunnel is an easy target and serves the will of those who wish to achieve or retain power and control over United States citizenship. Conspiracy theorists are quick to point to Osama Bin Laden, the CIA, the people of Coconut Grove, the Illuminati, and other global conspirators. There are even some who have said that they have psychic abilities and have anticipated it.

Not surprisingly, conspiracy theorists have cited the Boston Tunnel as a highly likely target. The city’s infrastructure runs under and around the tunnel. The flow of traffic in the city cannot exist without it. Traffic times for rush hour jams are said to be 8-10 hours. In other words, if you are late for work, you can stay there too, because it will take you 10 hours to get out of town. Boston is a major city on the East Coast and much easier to reach than Philadelphia or an overly vigilant New York City. The main Internet backbone also runs under the city there. It took ten years to build the Boston Tunnel and that means it would take at least that long to repair it, in the event of a major international terrorist act.

There is no way to protect the Boston Tunnel as it is a freeway and slowing traffic with security checkpoints would only add to the already impossible subway traffic. Is DHS really capable of preventing an attack on the Boston tunnel, the Baltimore tunnel, the BART tunnel or the canal in Europe? One must wonder as international terrorists increase in recruits and numbers and are finding funding from rogue nations and weapons of mass destruction on the black market. Are these conspiracy theorists alarmists or is this just the beginning? “Papers please!” He is arrested for his participation in College Rally in 1980 when he was younger and naive. Come with us please, you will not need anything where you go. Sounds familiar? Do the alarmists say so? Think about it, what do you say?

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