Delivering Innovation

Every internet marketer needs an autoresponder, and it’s been said for a decade that “the money is in the list.” It’s still true in 2013, however, there are a few rules a marketer must abide by in order to make money from their autoresponder messages. These messages serve two main purposes: promotion and building reciprocity/trust/reputation in a niche. If used correctly, they can be great tools for everyone. However, if an online marketer abuses their autoresponder, you won’t see any results and your subscribers will disappear faster than they can apologize.


More advanced autoresponder services offer a personalization feature. Instead of using the subscriber’s name only in the email title and greeting, some creative methods can also be applied. Using the name in unusual places can make people read the message and pay more attention. It is also recommended that marketers segment their lists based on subscriber status. People who have already bought something will need a different tone and approach.

Balance between promotion and information

Finding the right balance between providing information and promotion is not easy. Some people like to send out a training newsletter and put links at the bottom of the message. Others say that the best solution is to send two pieces of free and useful information before you start promoting products. It doesn’t matter which method you choose; it should be customized for the specific niche and audience.

Adding value equals keeping subscribers

It’s actually worth talking about topics that other people don’t talk about and that people are interested in. Try to discover what could be the hidden questions of the readers regarding the problem they are facing and for which you offer solutions. If there is a specific product that can help them, you should let them know. Make sure your content is as informative as possible.

personal recommendation

Instead of just copying and pasting pre-written messages (something many lazy affiliate marketers do), you need to write them as if they are based on your experience. If you send autoresponders about testing a solution that your readers might also be interested in, they won’t even think you’re trying to sell them something and they’ll be more likely to buy.

a bit of personality

To build a long-term relationship with your subscribers and get them to read your autoresponder messages, you need to let your personality shine through. A personal note, something about your family, your experience, or even the mistakes you made will get you closer to a high click-through rate and conversion rate.

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