Delivering Innovation

Open your eyes more ladies, more open I said. Yeah, that’s how I want you to do it. I am about to reveal a secret magical diet and exercise program that will revitalize your entire being and give your feminine body beautiful curves.

Waking up after deep sleep is the first thing to eat, even before breakfast, which means on an empty stomach is Indian gooseberry (Amla). This fruit is rich in vitamin C 20 times more than an orange. It detoxifies your stomach and quickly relieves you of all kinds of gastric disorders. Two Indian gooseberries early in the morning. Now, go and take a walk in the fresh air. You don’t need to jog, better walk with fat steps. This will result in the strengthening of the limbs and the removal of extra fat from them.

Your breakfast should consist of a whole fresh papaya cut into thin slices and bring a bowl of yogurt along with it. Ladies, make sure you stick to the simple rules I’m giving you and let me tell you one thing: I followed the same diet and now I work twice as hard as I used to before and I still feel fresh. at the end of the day unlike a sweaty pig of earlier times.

o Avoid fizzy drinks instead drink fresh juices
o A big no-no to fast foods
o Add cereals and whole grains to your diet
o Have yogurt/milk with butter (salt) instead of milk
o Soups and juices are the best liquid diets and detoxify the entire body.
o Never sit for long hours
o Avoid driving all the time and prefer to walk to the nearby department store if you can
o Drink water 8-10 glasses (can I tell you something new?)
o Avoid eating between or after meals
o Drink water after two hours of meals
o Have a bowl of fruit salad at night and a large plate filled with vegetable salad at night.
o Avoid liquor and smoke

Just follow these simple guidelines and see the difference for yourself. It would be better if he went for a walk even after dinner. This will help digest food efficiently and try to avoid sitting or lying down right after meals. This results in the accumulation of fat in the fat cells and makes you sluggish.

Yoga can go a long way in reducing the extra meat hanging from your body around your belly, thighs, buttocks, and waist. In addition to reducing sagging, yoga rejuvenates your entire metabolic system by improving blood circulation in your body.

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