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I recently heard of a wife who had a very short-term affair. She said there was no real emotional attachment or commitment. She described it as an affair (which she immediately regretted) and that it happened during a very vulnerable time in her life. Her mother was dying of cancer and her husband was unfortunately forced to travel for work. She regretted this immensely and told me that her guilt was “eating her up.” She said that she couldn’t even bear to look at her husband and she felt sick to her stomach every time she thought about what she had done.

Furthermore, she was sure that deceit and guilt were plastered on her face and that her husband suspected something was seriously wrong. She wasn’t sure if she should tell her husband about the cheating. She didn’t know if this was going to make things better or worse. But she did know that she felt guilt was ruining her life and she wanted it to stop as soon as possible. In the following article, I’ll try to offer some insight into the guilt that often follows having an affair.

Don’t let the guilt you feel about your affair further hurt your spouse: It might help the wife to see things this way. She couldn’t turn back time. She couldn’t take back the deception. But, what she could do was try to rectify this situation to the best of her ability from now on. It wasn’t fair to her husband that she allowed her guilt over this to affect or hurt him even more.

And, at this point, he didn’t know about the deception. However, it’s probably safe to say that he knew something was up with his wife. It is likely that he noticed that something was bothering her and affecting a lot about her and this probably affected him as well. Therefore, it was important that the wife could handle her guilt so that she could stop negatively affecting her husband and her marriage, especially since none of this was her husband’s fault.

Would telling your spouse about the cheating help with the guilt?: I am asked this question almost daily. People often ask me things like, “The guilt over my affair is tearing me apart on the inside. I wonder if telling my spouse I cheated on her will help alleviate the guilt.”

In some situations, it can. But, you really have to be careful here. I often see people who just want to dump all the baggage of the affair on their spouse to get some relief for themselves. And usually what they have next is still a lot of guilt, but now they also have a hurt and devastated spouse. So, now they are faced with two masses that they have to clean up.

This is not to say that you shouldn’t be honest with your spouse. But, make sure that when you decide to do this, you are not doing it for selfish reasons and are only looking to ease your own burdens at your spouse’s expense. When you decide to come clean, you want to be as calm, loving, and introspective as possible. You don’t want to let go and then hope your spouse can get over it while you feel some relief.

Often, making things right after your cheating will start to ease your guilt: In my opinion, one of the causes of guilt after an affair is knowing that you have done something that you cannot take back and that you may not be able to fix. And you are worried that this is going to hurt your spouse so much that it will ruin your marriage.

But, if you can eventually make things right with your spouse and improve your marriage so that it is finally in a healthier place than when it started, then the guilt should start to lessen. That’s not to say you won’t always feel guilty about cheating. But if you can put things back together and make it up to your spouse, then you have less reason to feel bad about it and an incentive to move on instead of looking back.

Often you will need to remind yourself that your guilt has no real purpose other than to prolong the pain. As long as you know in your heart that you will never do this again, you will commit to eliminating any vulnerability, and you will work tirelessly to save your marriage, then tell yourself that this emotion only hurts your spouse and your marriage, which are two things. which really should be your top priorities right now.

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