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Each of us has the ability to receive spiritual guidance through the intelligent and universal life force energy that resides within each of us. We can tap into this energy and receive guidance, inspiration, and information easily and effortlessly.

The easiest way to connect with your inner guidance is to connect with your intuition through meditation techniques. You will be given spiritual messages and guidance when you are at a very deep level of meditation. Have you been experiencing an inner call to develop your spiritual side? Have you realized that you have spiritual gifts, but haven’t been sure how to develop them?

If, like many of us, you feel an inner calling, you will want to know what spiritual guidance is and how you can receive it. Spirit guidance can be experienced in two ways:

Externally – you can go to a priest, minister, psychic, medium, tarot reader, palm reader, reiki channel or guru for guidance

Internally-you can go within and receive guidance through your intuition in meditation

Both methods are valuable and many people use a combination of both to access their guide. There are times when we need clarity but feel clouded or block our own guidance in some way. This is when it is valuable to seek outside guidance.

External guidance can be objective, especially if the guide does not know you. This guide can give you clarity and help you make better decisions for your life. Inner guidance is a maturing process as you have to learn to trust your own instincts and intuition. It is only by trusting and following your guidance that you measure your value in your life. As a spiritual advisor and meditation teacher, I have seen many people learn to trust their own guidance and follow it step by step. When they do, their life flourishes.

If you want to develop your ability to connect with your own inner guidance, you can use any of the following techniques to develop your skills. Meditation, Intuition, Reiki, or you can join a spiritual group. If you wish to receive external guidance, you can request a spiritual message or spiritual guidance from a spiritual advisor or spiritual messenger.

How does it work: As a spiritual advisor, I connect with spirit and channel information for those seeking guidance. This orientation to others has been my life’s work for the last twenty years and has helped many people. Over time, they seek their own spiritual path to follow their own inner spiritual guidance. The value of having this extra support in your life is incredible. In my own life I have been encouraged and guided to pursue my dreams and since connecting with spirit on this personal level, my life has been more joyful and enriched. If you know what you want to do intuitively but are getting blocked in some way, then spirit guidance may be what gives you the most clarity and puts you on track to pursue your biggest dreams and visions.

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