Delivering Innovation

The school is our second home. We spent almost half of our waking hours inside the school when we were still students. On average, we spend a third of our lives within the classroom walls. Just as our education has a lot to do with how we live our lives, our school and education also have a profound impact on the way we see the world.

However, just as time and circumstances test us, bringing out the best and worst in all of us, time can also take its toll on classrooms, hallways, the cafeteria, the gym, and other school buildings, brings back good and not so good memories. The gym ceiling looked like it was about to fall in at any moment and the classrooms are in dire need of repainting as are the administrative offices. And then of course the architecture and design of some of the buildings are so outdated that it feels like you are in the past.

School buildings and infrastructure are exposed to all the weather conditions that exist: sun, rain, snow and other elements. Therefore, it is important that there is a regular maintenance and repair program for the school, an annual plan to keep the space in good working order. There are rooms to renovate, drains to unclog, walls to repaint, floors to redo, and ceilings to repair. There are so many details that need to be considered.

There are many companies that offer these services and help keep the school looking its best, as well as provide students with comfort and services. In addition to providing education and learning to students, it is also the obligation of the school to make the process of education and learning as pleasant as possible. And by that it means that school facilities are in good working order, as this is an important aspect of quality education.

The repair and maintenance of schools may not be as apparent to the public as the complete lack of some school facilities, such as insufficient computers for each student or a shortage of teachers and instructors. What many fail to realize is that school infrastructure is a vital component of learning.

Can you really concentrate when you can’t take your eyes off the peeling paint on the classroom ceiling? Is it safe to practice in the gym on a rainy day when the roof is leaking? Will you enjoy going to school when the school buildings look like a dilapidated movie set from the 1940s?

Not really an attractive place for learning, is it?

Taking care of the school through regular maintenance and repair will not only make it easy on the eyes, but more importantly, a more conducive area for learning.

However, this brings with it the problem of financing. Most public school systems lack the budget to make the small, much-needed repairs, so the damage builds up and builds up over the years and everyone realizes that the school has been reduced to something similar to a group of old people. -Old-fashioned, deteriorated and deficient buildings. If we want to improve the quality of education in our schools and raise the standards of our graduates, we must take the time and funds to improve the quality of the school infrastructure itself.

This is not as easy as it sounds. The issue has been under discussion for quite some time and no compromise is seen in the near future, especially with the global financial crisis. At this time, improving school infrastructure is not considered a priority.

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