Delivering Innovation

As we all strive to become better speakers, we tend to focus on the big topics: how to write a great speech, how to use our bodies to connect with our audience, etc. However, it turns out that sometimes it can be the little things that can trip us up. Things like using filler words in our speech.

Why do we use filler words?

Using filler words during a speech is a bad idea. The reasons why this is bad are pretty simple. Once your audience uses their listening skills and realizes that you’re using words like “umm,” “like,” and “you know” in your speech, then they’ll be distracted when they start listening the next time you use a word. of these words.

If they start doing this, then they won’t be able to hear any more of what you’re saying, no matter what clever presentation tips you use. The message you were trying to share with your audience will be completely lost.

The reason you or I might be using these types of words is because our brains work so much faster than our mouths. As we search for the next thing to say, our mouth runs out of words to say while our brain brainstorms new ideas. Nobody likes to be silent during a speech, so we “fill in” the gaps with these kinds of words just to keep making noise. It’s never a good idea.

How can we stop using filler words?

As speakers, we want to find ways to stop using filler words. This all comes down to identifying ways we can get our brains and mouths to work at the same speed.

One of the first things we can do to reduce the number of these types of words that we will end up using during our next speech is to find ways to increase our confidence during our next speech. This can be as simple as reminding ourselves that our audience wants to succeed. Realizing this will make us less nervous and reduce our need to add these types of words to reduce silence in our speech.

Many times we will see speakers who are not prepared to give a speech use many of these types of words. The reason they are doing this is because during their speech they may get distracted or fidget and when this happens, these types of words come out strongly. Take the time to practice your next speech and this won’t be a problem.

Finally, you can’t fix what you can’t see. Ask a friend or coworker to listen to you deliver your speech. Show them what to look for and ask them to raise their hand every time you use a filler word. You’ll be surprised how often you use these types of words, at first. The good thing about having a friend make you aware of this problem is how quickly it will go away once you have this knowledge.

What does all this mean to you?

We all know about the importance of public speaking; however, even the best speakers can get confused if they use too many filler words. Filler words are unnecessary and distract our audience from paying attention to the main message of our speech. As speakers, we must find ways to remove filler words from our speeches so that our audiences can experience the full benefits of public speaking.

There are several ways to do this. The first and the simplest is to be confident in what you are talking about. The next is to take the time to practice your speech sufficiently; in this case, practice makes perfect. Finally, you need a friend to listen to his speech and give him his opinion on the use of filler words.

The good news about filler words is that once we realize we’re using them, they’ll quickly disappear. Take the time to work on removing them from your next speech and you’ll be surprised at how much more effective a speaker you’ll become!

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