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Many people believe that psychic ability It is something that is not accessible to most of us and that if we have these abilities, we are somehow gifted or special. Skills like clairvoyance, or being able to see things that are going to happen, seem to be rare occurrences, but intuition, or having a hunch about something and then following it, happens much more frequently. Intuition is a form of psychic ability, very similar to clairvoyance and the ability to see auras. We come to this world at birth with a propensity for psychic abilities. Children have particularly strong psychic abilities. In time, the realities of this temporal world take hold. Because psychic abilities are perceived as abnormal in today’s society, they effectively disappear from existence at a very young age. Once we lose contact with them, very few of us regain them, leading most people to assume that we never had them to begin with.

Psychic abilities are alive and well within each of us, if we wish to develop them. There are many ways to develop the latent psychic traits that each of us has within us and all that most of them require is the willingness to put forth effort. Strengthening your skills can be as easy as listening to your intuition and acting on it in all situations. By doing this, you will be amazed at the precision of your intuition, which strengthens your determination. Regardless of the skills you have and want to develop, specific exercises have likely been created to help you do so. One of the best ways to develop your general capacity for psychic experiences is through conscious astral projection. Astral projection, also called out-of-body experiences, happens to each of us when we go to sleep at night. In fact, we have several bodies, but only one of them is physical. Our other bodies are energy-based and non-local, which means they are not confined to time and space.

Astral projection occurs when our astral body leaves our physical body for a time to explore the astral realms, usually while our physical body is at rest during sleep. Since we are unaware during sleep, we rarely recall these adventures, and if we do, they are generally recounted as dreams of astral projection. You can learn to astrally project during your waking state in full consciousness and receive the full benefit of being aware of when you are playing in the astral realms. This experience, when achieved while you are aware that it is happening rather than while you are sleeping, is one of the best ways to link your conscious awareness with all the latent psychic abilities that you have waiting for you in your subconscious; skills we all have preparing beneath the surface and awaiting their rediscovery. One of the most interesting things that people who are experts in conscious astral travel report is an increase in other psychic abilities such as auric sight, clairvoyance, and intuition after starting their astral travel.

Astral projection gives us direct access to the subtle realms of light and energy that we are all a part of, subconsciously, at every moment of our lives. Perhaps this limited conscious exposure to these subtle realms is all we need to begin to jump, put our own latent psychic abilities into action. In any case, it is clear that people who want to develop their psychic abilities would do well to start a practice that involves conscious astral projection. Not only is it very adventurous and exciting to astral travel unhindered, but it apparently also strengthens those lifelines towards psychic abilities that we may have closed down as children, giving us a second chance to develop our natural gifts during adulthood.

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