Delivering Innovation

Fears, phobias, anxiety, and panic attacks are basically the same thing.

With fears and phobias, they tend to have a specific trigger that we are aware of. Where, as with anxiety and panic attacks, it is not so obvious what the trigger is. However, they are still formed in the same way and the cure is also the same for everyone.

To be afraid of escalators, you must have the resources within you to create that fear. Stressed emotions are caused by our perceptions. Our perceptions are the result of our past experiences and the meaning we give them. So this means that your fear of escalators is caused by your perceptions about escalators. Your perceptions about escalators are the result of your past experiences with escalators and the meaning you have given to those experiences.

Traditional phobia treatment has been unpredictable because it has been based on a misunderstanding of the causes of the phobia and the actual structure of a phobia. Traditionally, exposure and flood therapy has been used to reduce phobias and anxiety-related problems. If you were afraid of cold water, then exposure therapy is like slowly descending into a cold stream inch by inch. Flood therapy is like being thrown. It is very difficult not to equate exposure therapy with slow torture and flood therapy with barbarism. While there was a time when these were the best options available to help eliminate anxiety, fortunately with the help of quantum theory, new healing modalities are emerging that are producing seemingly miraculous results.

Memories can be made up of images or movies, sounds, smells, tastes, and tactile sensations. When a memory is created, the prevailing feeling at that moment is also stored within the memory. Whenever a memory is triggered, the stored emotion is felt in the body. The anxious feelings that a person who is afraid of escalators feels is because the old fearful memories stored in them are being triggered by the sight, thought, or even the sound of the escalator. To eliminate anxiety around the topic of escalators, you need to go to the unconscious mind and release the negative emotions associated with memories of them.

We approach the treatment of phobia by interrupting the signal that is sent from the brain to the organs of the body when a traumatic memory has been triggered.

Every time the memory is activated after its original escalator trauma, it begins to react to life and its actions become pain avoidance. To the unconscious mind, this validates and provides further evidence of the meaning you have given to escalators. You keep recreating the original trauma. However, if we interrupt the signal that is sent from your brain to your body, you will not feel the same level of fear in your body. It is impossible for your brain to retain a visually traumatic memory and not feel the equivalent degree of feeling in the body. If you have interrupted the feeling in any way, the mind must alter the memory to accommodate the new level of sensation. Continued application of this technique will quickly eliminate anxiety and overcome fear of escalators.

With flood and exposure therapies, you continue to activate the original trauma and the emotion stored in memory is felt in the body. This continues to reinforce and add evidence to the original trauma. The unconscious mind will not adopt a new perception until you provide sufficient evidence to the contrary. That is why it is so effective to interrupt the signal from the brain to the organs. It has provided irrefutable contrary evidence to the unconscious. The brain will instantly discard all previous evidence in favor of the new evidence.

There is no longer a need to suffer from escalator fear or any other fear for that matter. The new understanding of the causes of phobia has brought enormous improvements in the treatment of phobia. Now it is easy to eliminate anxiety and free yourself from suffering.

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