Delivering Innovation

If you’re in the early years of a career as a financial advisor, I’m guessing you’ll want to add more income to your financial planning practice, which equates to more money in your bank account.

Here I offer an affirmation that I created many years ago, when I was a financial advisor for American Express. He says like this:

“I am now making more money than I could ever wish for thanks to my skill and experience as a financial advisor.”

It doesn’t sound very impressive, but the results were pretty impressive.

This is why the affirmation resulted in almost double financial planning fees in one year: because I repeated it hundreds of times a day and wrote it down at least 25 times a day.

I know that sounds like a lot, but it really isn’t. After a while I got used to it. It became second nature. It was etched into my mind and is still embedded there to this day, years after I created it.

One of the effects was that I gave off a different kind of energy, an energy that was picked up by customers and potential customers. It was an air of making more money. And he emitted it more and more the more he repeated the affirmation to me.

And it stuck in my mind more deeply each time I wrote it, which is why I wrote it at least 25 times a day.

Try it yourself. Feel free to use this affirmation or another of your own design and creation.

What matters is that it is powerful for you, and that you repeat it to yourself hundreds of times a day and that you write it down at least 25 times a day. After about 2-3 weeks of focused attention and intention on your affirmation, you will experience a change.

Have fun with it and much success to you!

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