Delivering Innovation

It is said that humans are so linear that we always need someone to give us steps or instructions before taking action.

Well that’s right.

WE ARE human and we NEED step-by-step instructions to help us learn new things. Otherwise, we waste ourselves wasting time and energy, making unnecessary mistakes.

Those who have gone before, walking in the forefront of life, have learned the hard way. They have made all the mistakes for you. Many of them have become mentors, coaches, and teachers. What they share is what they know… what they’ve learned the hard way. You can also do what they’ve done, only easier, faster, and simpler. All you have to do is pay attention to the knowledge they have to share.

For you unbelievers, go ahead and do it your way. After you’ve hit dead ends, turned around again to start over only to run into tricky detours and potholes the size of school buses, maybe you’ll eventually reach your goal. When you do, you will find others waiting for you. Those would be the people who used the knowledge and followed the instructions of those who came before them.

Or maybe not. These know-it-alls who heeded the wisdom shared by others who went before them may have grown tired of waiting for you. In their excitement to move to the next level of this Game that we all play here on Planet Earth, they are very excited to keep progressing. Especially when it’s so easy. They have learned that all they have to do is borrow the knowledge and wisdom of those who have pioneered the path to speed their journey.

Being one of those who chose to walk at the forefront and be at the forefront of this magical and mystical movement we call “Human Evolution”, I have learned how valuable it is for others to leave instructions in my path. Keep those who follow me from making ALL the mistakes that I and others like me have made.

Of course, making mistakes is part of learning. But there is no reason why you have to make every possible mistake. Only a few will serve to help you remember the learning.

Here is rule #1 for simple, quick and easy learning: Read the instructions.

Before making a move, read the instructions. All of them. And before you take action, reread the first step of the instructions. When you’ve completed that step, read the next one before taking action. Repeat until you are done with the process.

For those of you who are at the forefront with me, before you jump into another whole new experience, please take a few minutes to create instructions for those following in your footsteps. Let them know what steps will help them get the most value from their new knowledge. Warn them about steps you encountered that slowed you down, blocked your progress, or even forced you to turn around and find another way.

Make it as simple as possible so those behind you can quickly catch up on your progress. Be linear and create simple, numbered instructions. This way, others you’ve helped reach you will find it easier to help those who follow them… much like you did.

This is one of my favorite ways to live life the easy way. It will help you make life’s challenging decisions simple and effortless. It has been gleaned from my years of experience and tons of bugs:

1. Make a list of all the options that come to mind. Even those that may not seem very attractive. Leave a few lines of space between each item.

two. When you’re done with your list, Close your eyes and imagine yourself doing the first option.

3. Notice how you feel. Remember, feelings are physical sensations that we call “emotions.” Anything else is a thought. Inserting “I feel like it” in front of a thought does not make it an emotion. Pay special attention to what you feel in the stomach, chest, shoulder, and neck areas. If you’re an expert at sensing energy, notice how your energy changes, or doesn’t, during this visualization.

4. In the space you left below that option, write down what you felt.

5. Repeat #2 to #4.

When you are done with this exercise, you will know without a doubt which option is the best for you.

The reason this works so well is that it avoids using your mind. Your mind will lie to you and keep your head spinning with“maybe” and “what if”. Your body knows the truth and willingly shares it with you. All you have to do is ask your body a question and then acknowledge the answer.

This little method has worked amazingly well for me and everyone I’ve shared it with. Give it a try the next time you find yourself in a dilemma and don’t know which direction to turn.

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