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Boosting your pet’s immune system is important for biochemical reactions. The immune system constantly protects them from parasites, bacteria, fungi and viruses. Boosting your immune system will help overpower bacteria, destroy toxins, and kill viruses. In a weak immune system, all those bad things lie, toxins and bacteria can get past the immune defense cells and create disorders. Disorders that can occur in your pets include fungus, yeast infections, eczema, ear infections, slow-healing wounds, food allergies, arthritis, and mange.

Not getting the proper nutrients is the leading cause of immune system problems in dogs and cats. Therefore, poor nutrition and continual feeding of the wrong foods will weaken the immune system. When pets take medications or eat poisons, their livers produce additional enzymes to detoxify them. So the reason a pet gets sick is because something interferes with the body’s natural healing powers.

Sure, antibiotics can fight an infection, but they don’t affect what weakened the immune system in the first place. Things like diet, stress, and exercise all play a role in determining whether a pet gets sick or stays healthy. Making sure to play with them and take them for walks can keep them fit.

Certain diets can make your pet vulnerable to illness and disease. Most pets are fed commercial foods that are full of dyes, preservatives, and additives. Not to mention the chemicals that are put into the food as well. The artificial ingredients themselves can cause an immune response that can make a pet sick. The only time your pet can produce enough antibodies is when she is healthy and well fed. This does not mean overfed, which most pet owners have been known to do as well.

A balanced level of minerals, vitamins and nutrients is essential to boost your pet’s immune system. Some things you can do to boost your pet’s immune system is to feed a raw food diet. The body of a dog or cat was designed to digest raw food. They have been digesting meat and raw food ever since they were put on this earth. Since the domestication of dogs and cats, we are now feeding them commercial dog food. Now that you think about it, the same goes for us, our bodies are not made to digest preservatives, additives and chemicals. Wild animals are not inundated with the disorders that plague our pets.

There are some natural dog foods that can be fed in place of a raw food diet as well. Adding a nutritional supplement to your pet’s diet may also help. It should contain things like vitamin C, Omega fatty acids, zinc, neem, potassium, and magnesium. Vitamin C is a great antiviral and antibacterial vitamin. Neem increases the production of T cells that defend the body when immune system attacks occur. Omega fatty acids promote good skin and coat health. Zinc can prevent infections and help heal wounds and builds white blood cells.

Alternative Health Supplements offers a variety of pet products that can improve your pet’s health. Immupet is excellent for boosting your pet’s immune system. It stimulates the increased production of antibodies to fight for better health and stronger immunity for your pet. It will give them more energy and help them live a longer, healthier and happier life. It is a liver-flavored chewable tablet that your pet can take every day. It is recommended to administer one tablet for every 25 pounds of weight.

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