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If you are thinking of buying that place in the sun that you have always dreamed of, perhaps you should take a look at the beautiful island paradise of Cyprus and at Private Property in or around Paphos. Paphos in Cyprus is the only resort on the west coast of the islands that remains open during the winter months. That’s if daytime lows of 16°C count as any kind of winter. In fact, while other parts of Europe like the UK are shivering below freezing, Cyprus is comparatively nice. The clear Mediterranean Ocean stays warm enough for bathing well into November most years and there aren’t many days that it’s not warm enough to wear short sleeves. Sure, temperatures drop at night during the short Cyprus winter, but it’s still much hotter than England. Perhaps this mild climate is one of the reasons why so many Brits are buying property in Paphos and settling there, especially many retired couples. Cheaper utilities and the overall cost of living in Cyprus are just some of the things that continue to attract home buyers to the island.

Cypriots are among some of the friendliest you could hope to find anywhere. His outgoing attitude isn’t just something he puts on for the money-spending tourist’s benefit, it’s just his way of being. Don’t be surprised if, once you’ve settled in, your Cypriot neighbors insist that you join them and the whole family for dinner or an evening social. The island lifestyle is very laid back even in the larger resorts and Pahos is no exception. Family life is important to the locals and dining together can be a big event involving many of your relatives. With most cooking and eating done outdoors, barbecues are the order of the day and Cypriots are masters of the art. In fact, it could be argued that, at least during the summer months, the only activity that takes place indoors is sleeping. Then again, some people even do that outdoors during the long, hot summer months.

Property in Paphos is ideal for both investors and those looking for a property for themselves, perhaps to use as a holiday home or permanent residence. With new developments springing up all over the Paphos area, buyers are literally spoiled for choice. Buying off-plan property in Cyprus makes a lot of sense. Chances are, as prices continue to rise, your new luxury villa or apartment could have increased in value even before you moved. In fact, many astute investors have made a handsome profit on Paphos property this way in recent years. There are also plenty of resale properties making their way onto the market as people settle elsewhere in larger homes or decide that living abroad is not for them and return home. These resale properties in Paphos are often what are called ‘motivated sales’ to the extent that the owners want to turn them around quickly for one reason or another. In these cases, buyers with arranged financing are in a strong position to purchase a sale property in Paphos.

For those looking to “get their toes wet” before making a wholesale move to Cyprus, Paphos property rental can be a convenient option rather than buying outright. Thanks to the continued development boom on the island, there are plenty of cheap apartments and houses to rent and Paphos is no exception. The rental market on the island is fairly self-regulated by median wages, apart from properties that are rented out to tourists of course. The cost of renting in and around Paphos is substantially lower than what you would expect to pay in the UK. Keep in mind that you won’t find that many houses or apartments for rent in England with a pool and the benefit of 320 days. of sunshine every year! So if you want luxury, sun and a relaxed lifestyle, perhaps you should seriously consider investing in a property in Paphos.

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