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Aceticum Acidum, also known as acetic acid, is a homeopathic remedy that is most often prescribed for thin people with pale faces. This medicine when taken in its non-homeopathic form will produce a significant anemia condition. Anemia is a serious symptom in which there is a decrease in the number of red blood cells (RBCs) or in which there is less than the normal amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Because hemoglobin, found inside red blood cells, normally carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, anemia causes hypoxia, or oxygen starvation, in the organs. Since human cells depend on oxygen to survive, any form of anemia can have a wide range of clinical consequences.

Patients with anemia most often show a variety of symptoms, including a feeling of weakness or fatigue, general malaise, and sometimes a lack of concentration. They may also experience shortness of breath or dyspnea, even after the slightest exertion. In the most severe cases of anemia, the body can compensate for the lack of oxygen by showing signs of palpitations, angina, intermittent leg cramps, or symptoms of heart failure.

Aceticum Acidum will also induce conditions of bloating, lack of energy, frequent fainting, respiratory distress, weak heart, vomiting, profuse urination, and sweating. In some cases there will be bleeding in parts of the body.

Homeopaths often prescribe this remedy for people who have a pale pale appearance around them. They will often be skinny guys with lax, flabby muscles.

The general pattern of mind-body symptoms can include many of the following:

Mind: Irritable and worried people, especially about money and business.

Head: A nervous headache is often indicated, as well as a narcotic abuse headache. There may be pain at the root of the tongue.

Face: The face will often be pale and waxy, with deep-set eyes, surrounded by dark rings. The eyes can also be bright red. People will be sweaty. The cheeks may be hot and red with pain in the left jaw.

Stomach: Excessive salivation is noted. There will be a lot of fermentation in the stomach. Look for intense, burning thirst that is made worse by cold drinks. Patients will vomit all food. There may be belching and sour vomiting. There may be a burning pain in the stomach and chest followed by a cold sensation on the skin with a sweaty forehead.

Abdomen: Patients may complain of a sinking sensation in the abdomen. There may be frequent watery stools that are worse in the morning.

Urine: Large amounts of pale urine are often reported. Along with a great thirst and

Female: excessive menstrual bleeding and painfully enlarged breasts

Respiratory: There may be hoarseness and wheezing during breathing along with irritation of the trachea and bronchi. There may also be a putrid sore throat.

Back: Pain in the back that is only relieved by lying on the abdomen.

Ends: Slimming. There may be swelling of the feet and legs.

fur: There will be a pale, waxy appearance. Patients may complain of burning, dry, or hot skin. Many also show excessive perspiration. The skin may become less sensitive to pain.

Fever: There may be a high fever accompanied by drenching night sweats. There may also be red spots on the left cheek. During fever there is no thirst. cold skin during fever

Acidum aceticum treatment for short-term symptoms should be from the third to the thirtieth power and should not be repeated too frequently.

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