Delivering Innovation

The music industry has evolved over the years for the better, no doubt. Today’s recording artists can control their own songs and catalogs as long as they don’t sell out. With the many gadgets and tools used today to make new sounds with certain programs; music makers don’t have to be musically gifted or inclined to produce what we hear on the radio these days.

As long as a person can read and have a rhythm; then he or she can get what they want to hear by using certain music apps to make the music of their choice. For musicians who actually play real instruments in the studio and record using; bass, guitars, keyboards, woodwinds, brass, drums, and other percussion instruments; along with his main tool his voice; this is real R&B music.

The Maurice White founder and former member of the legendary group Earth, Wind & Fire played one of many instruments including: drums, piano, timpani, vocals and Kalimba. His song Kalimba Story written by White and co-written by his brother Verdine, recorded in 1974 on his album “Open Our Eyes”; this particular funky up-tempo dance floor featured the African instrument Kalimba. He made this musical instrument very popular in and around the world. Maurice White was a gifted, creative and talented musician and vocalist and so much more; His music catalog and his legacy will be around for generations to come.

Today’s artist includes but is not limited to Bruno Mars, HER, Maxwell, Anthony Hamilton and other independent artists such as; PleasureMore, to name a few, is bringing new music with a pioneering old school feel and paving the way to keep R&B afloat in a mainstream music industry fueled by Hip-Hop. Quincy Jones declared on his 1989 album “Back On The Block” that rap is here to stay. Well R&B is the foundation of Hip-Hip and it will last forever.

Although the music business will continue to evolve with new technological advances and updated laws related to different streaming platforms; One thing is certain for songwriters, musicians, and record producers who make music from the heart: there will always be music lovers who will appreciate and embrace true musicianship. For today’s emerging artists, stay true to yourself and the music in your heart. Music, love and peace is what it takes to make the world a better place. Music is simply twelve notes, how you use those twelve notes defines your success!

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